2008年3月9日 星期日

Meet Scott in Pocatello

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Lewis and Susan brought me to the church at 11:00 o'clock in the morning on March 10, and it is intresting to know more about Mormon history. Even though I could not figure out what they say precisely, I still feel very happy. It's such a great experience and this is my third time to the church. I perceive that all of them are very kind and with strong faith of their own religion. My first time to go to the church was in Taiwan and the second time was in Japan.
Scott is a missionary of Mormom and he had been to Taiwan from 1985 to 1987. He has a pretty white house with many rooms. There are five people in his family. Two girls are sisters and their sibling is a younger brother. I couldn't remember all of their name. Scott speaks mandarin Chinese very well and we had a nice conversation in my origional langulage. I was touched by the warmth of his welcome. He shared his records in Taiwans including pictures and the gifts from his friends to us. There are wood sculpture of Eight Immortals, two vases, each one has a dragon and a phenix, and even a delicate paper sculpture talking about love in Chinese. What a wonderful experience to realize Taiwan again twenty years ago. I wonder if I could know much more about my own country, I could have let them understand our culture and land much more.
